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Weight management in cats and dogs

Obesity in animal companions is a serious and increasing health hazard. However, weight management by the veterinary staff can help overweight patients live longer, healthier lives. Excess weight may worsen or sensitize cats and dogs to major medical consequences as well as influence longevity and quality of life. Does my pet’s weight seem healthy? Most […]

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Heart disease in cats and dogs

Heart disease is a dangerous medical issue affecting humans, dogs, and cats. The usual illnesses that affect people, such as heart disease, do not typically affect pets. Any irregularity of the heart is referred to as “heart disease.” It includes various problems, such as congenital abnormalities and disorders of physical structure and function, electrical activity, […]

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Transportation carriers for pets

Some carriers can be used as small dens for animals at home, but they are less practical because they are more fragile. Larger pet dogs are probably more likely to fall out if they are not adequately secured when kept inside. You must get an appropriate-sized container for your animal’s flight journey as well. How […]

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Animal Vaccinations for Cats and Dogs

Numerous pet-related illnesses can be avoided with vaccinations. It has long been believed that one of the simplest methods to ensure that your pet has a long and healthy life is to vaccinate him. There are multiple kinds and mixes of vaccines in addition to distinct vaccines for various diseases. Every pet’s vaccination procedure includes […]

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Testing for Rabies Antibody Titer and Rabies Blood Test

An antibody titer test is one of the methods by which the level of immune system proteins, known as antibodies, can be measured in the blood. Your pet’s immune system reacts to vaccinations by creating antibodies that the body can utilize to stave off subsequent diseases. This test will determine how much antibody remains in […]

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Animal spaying and neutering

Cats and dogs frequently get spayed or neutered as a form of birth control. The decision to spay or neuter a pet is often challenging for pet owners. The widespread misconceptions surrounding this extremely simple surgery are largely to blame for this. The truth is that animals who have been spayed or neutered often live […]

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Pets for seniors: cats and dogs

Pets are surviving longer than ever before because of better treatment, but as they age, they require more care and attention. Regular veterinary exams can identify issues in older animals before they develop or become life-threatening, increasing the likelihood that your pet will live a longer, healthier life. What constitutes “old age” for a pet? […]

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Hazards to pets in the household

The consumption of a number of household items and substances can be harmful to pets such as dogs and cats, and in some cases, they can even kill them. By being aware of the most prevalent health risks present in many households with pets, you can protect your pet’s well-being. HAZARDS IN THE KITCHEN Foods […]

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How to Administer Medications

How to Administer Medications

Drug administration to a cat or dog might be difficult for newbie pet parents. Even for a pet professional, giving medication to a loving pet can be unpleasant. Stubborn animals can make the work extremely challenging, resulting in the animal receiving an insufficient amount of medicine or none at all. When your vet diagnoses an […]

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External Parasites - Fleas & Ticks

External Parasites – Fleas & Ticks

Parasites that live outside the body are external parasites. Several parasites can affect dogs and cats, including fleas, lice, mites, and ticks, among others. FLEAS Fleas are wingless insects with long jumps. They subsist on draining your pet’s blood, but they can also bite humans. Fleas can be a seasonal or year-round nuisance depending on […]

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